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Birthday RewardsUpdated 9 months ago

Add Your Birthday and Receive 100 Reward Points

How can I add my birthday?

Adding your birthday is a breeze! Simply log in to your Rewards account, scroll down to the "Way To Earn Points" section, and you'll find a block to add your birthday.

When will I receive the 100 Reward Points? 

If the birth date you entered is within 30 days or less, there's a small waiting period of 30 days from the date you added it. After this brief period, you'll see those extra 100 Reward Points shining in your account!

Why the waiting period?

We want to ensure that the celebrations continue for a whole month! The waiting period is a little countdown to the moment we surprise you with those 100 Reward Points, making the joy last longer.

Can I add multiple birthdays, like for my pets?

Not at this time, only one very special birthday may be added.

Do the points expire?

All Reward points will expire after 6 months of inactivity, so don't wait to to start shopping!

Because at Small Pet Select, our customers aren't just customers – you're our cherished friends!

Here's to more birthdays, more points, and more joy! 🎉

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